Whilst all the fun of barbecuing comes in the cooking phase (well… eating!), it is really important that you take the time to care for your grill, too. Regular cleaning and maintenance will maximise the life of your barbecue and ensure you get great flavours every time. This may sound like a chore, but we are here to help you with the tips, tricks and products that will keep your grill spick and span.
As our dedicated barbecue experts advise, the new good news is that there is a really quick way to clean your BBQ that doesn’t necessarily involve loads of scrubbing. Heat your BBQ on high and put the lid down for about 15 minutes. This is going to carbonise any food remnants from your last cook. Once this time is up, lid off and simply go over the cooking grate thoroughly with a good quality care BBQ brush. You have sterilised your cooking grate due to the high temperature, and by carbonising any left over food particles on the grill they are easier to remove with the brush.
Given your BBQ will be made out of majority metal, protecting it from the elements will prolong its lifetime, so it is important to pick up a cover that will fit your BBQ appropriately. No one wants to cook on or eat from a rusty grill! Make sure you choose a cover that suits the right size and shape, for example whether it is a kettle, multi-burner, or even a portable.
As the saying goes, a bad barbecue-r always blames their tools – so don’t find yourself in a position where you are struggling with a tool that is past its best. Primarily, you will want a scraper and a brush so that you can rid your grill of baked-on or carbonised grease with minimal effort. The last thing you want is the previous ingredients spoiling the next dish you cook!