During the hot periods of summer our native bees need a little extra help to stay healthy, produce honey and feed their hives. There are many easy ways we can help them out so here are some ideas below –
Water Source
Water is a crucial part of a Bees survival and during hot weather it can be difficult for them to find a safe place to drink. Not only do they need it to drink and cool down, they also carry water back to the hive to be used for evaporative cooling. Bees do not like to get their feet wet so leave a shallow dish of water with some marbles or floating corks for them to land on.
Sugar Water
A simple solution of sugar and water can help revive an exhausted bee. To create this energy drink for bees, mix two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water, and placing the mix on a plate or spoon. Do not add any more water otherwise, the bee could drown. Place the bee next to the plate or spoon, where it will have a drink and hopefully help it to gather enough energy to fly back to its hive. This should only be used to help an exhausted bee, do not leave sugar water out in the garden as it will encourage bees away from the plants that they need.
Plant Flowers
We all know that bees need flowers so try to plant ones they love! Lavender, Bluebells, Rosemary and Daisies are all great for bees and will encourage them to your garden. Plant some in slightly shaded areas of your garden to help the bees when its particularly warm!
Leave the grass!
Cutting the grass less will give Bees shelter and a place to feed. If you have a lawn give yourself a rest and let some of it grow longer. When you do mow, cut less often or leave the grass longer by raising the notches on the mower to lift the cutting blade a few centimetres.