House plants are a great way to bring a room to life. They come in all shapes and sizes, apart from regular feeding and watering, they require little attention.
The majority of varieties prefer a warm location with an even temperature and bright, filtered light.Avoid placing plants near open fires, radiators, in draughts or on windowsills on frosty nights.
Do not overwater. If the soil of your plant is moist or the plant feels heavy – avoid from watering it more. If the plant feels light and the soil is relatively dry, then water in accordance to how much the plant requires. Make sure the plant has good drainage and allow excess water to drain away.
Most plants will only need feeding when actively growing between March and September.
Liquid feed is recommended. Drip feeders are an easy and effective way of feeding plants for up to one month. Specialist feeds are available for certain groups of plants e.g. orchids. In autumn and winter feed every fourth watering as houseplants will require fewer nutrients.
After a year or two plants may need re-potting to maintain healthy growth. Choose a pot one or two sizes larger than the original pot. Spring is the best time for re-potting, but only re-pot your plant if it needs it.
Pinch off dying flowers with your thumb and forefinger or a small pair of plant shears and remove any damaged or yellowing leaves gently so as to not damage the plant.
Clean dusty leaves with a piece of damp cotton wool or use leaf shine or leaf wipes for smooth leaved houseplants. Alternatively you can use a small brush for dusting and cleaning your plant, this can allow you to be more precise without handling the plant too much.
Check houseplants for disease and insects regularly. Each time you water your plants, inspect both sides of the leaves for signs of pests or disease. If you suspect anything, isolate the plant from your other plants until you have eliminated the problem.
Try to remove insects by wiping them off with a damp cloth or with soapy water.
Leafy houseplants are excellent air
purifiers, and scientific research has shown how they absorb
toxins and carbon dioxide leaving air cleaner, fresher and making us feel healthier!