Your monthly guide on how to encourage wildlife into your garden all year round.
The activity of wildlife out in your garden changes with every season and autumn is another busy one! Birds are eating as much as possible at the moment to enable them to embark on their various autumn activities. Make sure to give the birds in your gardens food which is either high in energy or suet foods. And remember you can never have enough nest boxes in your garden! Also be careful to check beneath any bonfire sites before lighting as there may be some sleepy hedgehogs lurking!
Keep feed levels high as wonderful winter birds will be arriving from Russia, Scandinavia and North Eastern Europe.
When it comes to shelter, don’t forget all the other wildlife in your garden too. If you have a clematis, creeper or ivy in your garden, be aware that it will already be home to thousands of hibernating insects including butterflies and ladybirds sheltering from frosts to come!
Build a bug hotel or buy a bug house and keep your lawn a little longer, either completely or in corners and margins as different invertebrates like different grass heights!
Bees will start preparing to go into winter and will still enjoy September flowing plants such as Aster Amellus (Michelmas Daisy), Solidago (Goldenrod) and Salvia Nemorosa (Woodland Sage).