The easiest way to ensure a good level of nutrition for your rabbit is to feed a mixture of fresh grass and hay, supplemented with Burgess Supa-Rabbit rabbit food, on top of this you should feed it fresh vegetables – but not too many. You want your bunny to eat as much grass and hay as possible. Also, always make sure that your rabbit has a fresh supply of water to drink – remember water bottles will freeze in the winter.
Your rabbit should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis which is a serious and usually fatal disease. It is caused by a highly contagious virus, spread by fleas and mosquitoes. Myxomatosis vaccine can be given from six weeks of age and a booster given every six months. Rabbits should also be vaccinated against Viral Haemorrhagic Disease [VHD]. This is given from ten weeks of age and a booster given yearly. Both vaccines should be given two weeks apart.
Neutering females at an early age is very important as it reduces the likelihood of developing uterine cancer, as well as aggression. Neutering males can reduce the likelihood of territory spraying and aggression. Rabbits can be neutered from six months.
Insurance for your pet is something we strongly recommend as veterinary fees can be expensive. We recommend Petplan who have a policy especially designed for rabbit owners.
Rabbits’ teeth continually grow throughout their lifetime. In the wild they eat grass and gnaw twigs but in captivity dental problems frequently occur. To help with this ensure that your rabbit has plenty of grass, fresh hay, carrots and chew sticks. If you find your rabbit has difficulty eating, a wet chin or is losing weight it should be checked by a vet ASAP.
Fly strike is common in the rabbit. It happens in hot and humid weather. Flies, attracted to a rabbit’s bottom because it is dirty, lay their eggs. In as little as eight hours the eggs hatch out into maggots. The maggots feast on the rabbit’s flesh causing tremendous pain and if left untreated, death. Prevent this by checking the hutch twice a day to ensure it stays free from droppings. Hang a fly strip close to the hutch, or cover the front of the hutch with a net curtain. Check your rabbit’s bottom twice a day to make sure it is clean.
We hope that you will have lots of fun and pleasure from your rabbit over the coming years. We trust he or she will enjoy good health and to help achieve this we recommend a health review every six months at your vets.