Were You Aware:
Supporting Bees
Learn about how you can do your bit to support bees!
- Plant Growth – bees transfer pollen to each flower, fertilising the plant so it can grow
- Honey sold in The Food Hall comes from Ruxley Beekeepers
Bees play a vital role in the pollination of not only the crops we farm and eat but also wild vegetation. They are responsible for production of many seeds, nuts, berries, and fruit, which all support our ecosystem as a whole and serve as a vital food source for wild animals.
As well as food, these areas provide natural habitats for many different wild animals, bugs and birds helping support life and encouraging biodiversity.
In an effort to support bees, the Royal Horticultural Society have undertaken extensive studies to understand the optimal plants for pollinators in our gardens. They have created this logo to help you identify plants and flowers that will support pollinators in your garden.
For more information on how you can support bees in your garden, speak to one of our team who can advise you.
To further support our local bees, we have close ties with The Ruxley Beekeepers who supply local honey to our Food Hall and regularly attend events in the centre to teach people more about bees and their care.