Were You Aware:
The Beauty of Birds
Discover just how important our little feathered friends are!
Birds help spread pollen, minimise weeds, eat destructive insects and keep the circle of life circling. Attracting wild birds will not only help to keep your garden healthy, but also add the beauty and maintenance.
Birds reduce the destructive impacts of various pest species. For example, the consumption of spruce budworms by songbirds and raptor impacts on rodents.
Birding has the benefit of being a hobby that, due to the increasing availability of online bird identification guides and smart phone apps, can be enjoyed with relatively little financial cost.
Birds help fertilise plants in the same way as any other pollinator. If it were not for the assistance of our feathered friends, many plant species would be in danger of extinction. Birds can also move nutrients from one place to another, to help with nutrient recycling.
Pop in to our Birdcare Department to find a range of wild bird products to suit any garden and speak to our team of birdcare experts for any advice!
- Wild birds essential for plant pollination
- Personal entertainment and stress relief
- Defense against weeds and pests